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The religious disagreements in teaching Eastern fighting arts

The world view of an eastern master is based on one of the dominating Buddhism branches. The most important part of preparing a fighter is the psychological training, namely teaching the ways of controlling one's psychics. And in this important part of training the main contradictions are found. The East has undoubtedly achieved great results in self-control and hypnosis. And the whole technique of psychoregulation either was taken from or was itself the religious practice. How does it concern us?

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to come to Japan. Being the Pope missionaries, they were actively turning Japanese pagans into Catholics. And what is interesting, in the beginning of the process the Portugal emissaries were given a favourable reception by the local princes. But then, in no time for history, the Christianity in Japan was almost completely destroyed by the fire of local wars, and the traditional Buddhism recovered its dominating position. Why had the samurais taken the Christianity and then let it go away so easily? The fact is that the stereotype of religiosity of Japanese samurais is not quite right. The real samurai honoured his ancestors more than he honoured Buddha, and respected his family sword more than he respected the temple. While reading "The Hagakure" one can realize the reasons for that. The whole life of a samurai was filled with striving for an *honest death, and the duty and courage of a soldier weho the se-stylr in Japan built on Buddhism, not on Catholicism, dictated people to return to their ancestors' beliefs. Moreover, the generations of warlike samurais were the visual ps above everything: "If gods have not heard my prayers only because there is my enemy's blood on me, I have nothing to do with it and I will pray in spite of this blood." ("The Hagakure")

This well-balanced attitude towards religion gave the chance to the Japanese Catholic experiment, but the whole life-style in Japan built on Buddhism, not on Catholicism, dictated people to return to their ancestors' beliefs. Moreover, the generations of warlike samurais were the visual personification of the attitudes of a real Japanese. Since that time the mankind has not invented any cold steel more effective than the samurai sword, and there have not been more effective warriors than samurais. This is a result of strong connection between generations, of sound moral attitudes, and of ethical and religious views. To summarize, the historical unity of the nation is the guarantee of its further development.

In our opinion, the idea of historical unity includes:

  • respect to historical roots,
  • originality of the culture,
  • and, which is the most important, the national world-view based on traditional religion.

A person can achieve success only being a sound personality, and for the Russian it is impossible without strong orthodox beliefs. Trying different exotic views and religions of the eastern world can only weaken a goal-oriented and strong Slavic personality. Doubt is the most destroying for spirit, therefore roaming between faith and disbelieving one can loose himself.

Some eastern psychotechniques are extremely interesting and essential in training, but only if a person has a sound world attitude. Saint Alexander Nevsky said before the Ice Battle, "The God is not in strength but in truth," and he did not let the Catholics come to Russia. "Blessed is the one who gives his life for his neighbour," says the Bible. And is it less worthy than the samurai ideals? Anything coming from the East is not more but a tool in achieving some practical goals. The spiritual side of training should be profoundly national. We have got our own way of cognition. It is not worse or better than any other ones, but it is ours, and all the elements of "the Eastern way" used in training are only the means of achieving our purposes in present condition.







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